Diana Cooper 3 Books Set (The Golden Future, A Little Light On The Spiritual Laws & Angel Inspiration)
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
The Golden Future
We all know how turbulent life has been recently. How long will the world carry on like this? Will things ever improve? Bestselling teacher, author and card deck creator Diana Cooper believes a better future is on its way. In this uplifting spiritual guide, she describes how an entirely new age – the Golden Future – is being birthed. Current times are challenging but we are moving towards a new fifth-dimensional Golden Age that will be a time of peace and happiness, when the world as we know it will have changed beyond recognition for the better.
A Little Light On The Spiritual Laws
Angel Inspiration
We are only now opening up to the presence of angels and their ability to guide us. Diana Cooper introduces us to the importance of them in our lives by drawing on countless stories of people who have had their own lives changed by the miraculous assistance of angels. These incredible accounts prove what a difference the divine messengers can make and are an inspiration to us all. Everyone has their own guardian angel, there to help and protect whenever possible. Few of us yet understand, however, the healing and support these angels can bring us and how to invoke their help. Diana Cooper introduces us to the whole hierarchy of angels and the special powers that we can call upon.
Diana Cooper 3 Books Set (The Golden Future, A Little Light On The Spiritual Laws & Angel Inspiration)