Prose edda 2/e and saga of the volsungs 3 books collection set
by Jesse L Byock Publisher: Penguin Classics,OUP Oxford,
SKU PLD17132
The Prose Edda: Norse Mythology (Penguin Classics)
The inspiration for modern works as diverse as Wagner's Ring Cycle and Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Snorri Sturlson's The Prose Edda is a collection of pagan tales that are among the most influential of all myths and legends, translated with notes and an introduction by Jesse Byock in Penguin Modern Classics.
The Poetic Edda 2/e (Oxford World's Classics)
After the terrible conflagration of Ragnarok, the earth rises serenely again from the ocean, and life is renewed. The Poetic Edda begins with The Seeress's Prophecy which recounts the creation of the world, and looks forward to its destruction and rebirth. In this great collection of Norse-Icelandic mythological and heroic poetry, the exploits of gods and humans are related.
The Saga of the Volsungs: The Norse Epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer (Penguin Classics)
Based on Viking Age poems, The Saga of the Volsungs combines mythology, legend and sheer human drama. At its heart are the heroic deeds of Sigurd the dragon slayer who acquires magical knowledge from one of Odin's Valkyries. Yet it is also set in a very human world, incorporating strands from the oral narratives of the fourth and fifth centuries, when Attila the Hun and other warriors fought on the northern frontiers of the Roman Empire. One of the great books of world literature, the saga is an unforgettable tale of princely jealousy.
Prose edda 2/e and saga of the volsungs 3 books collection set