Take a Moment: Activities to Refocus, Recentre and Relax Wherever You Are (Wellbeing Guides) by MIND
Modern life isn’t just stressful, it can be overwhelming. With expert support from Mind, these short, simple techniques will help you take a moment and find calm wherever you are and whenever you need it.
Developed in partnership with Mind, the mental health charity, Take a Moment is here to help you do just that. It’s here for when you need a break, just five minutes to yourself, for yourself. Whether you need to de-compress, refocus or just relax, each page has a different technique or exercise providing expert support and inspiration on the go.
Beautifully designed with hand-made watercolour illustrations and small enough to be carried around, Take a Moment is the self-care companion for anyone who could do with a little help putting their wellbeing first.
Take a Moment: Activities to Refocus, Recentre and Relax Wherever You Are (Wellbeing Guides) by MIND