You Have to Fucking Eat and Go the F**k to Sleep 2 Books Bundle Collection
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Hardcover
You Have to Fucking Eat and Go the F**k to Sleep 2 Books Bundle Collection. Description:- Go the F**k to Sleep Go the Fuck to Sleep is a bedtime book for parents who live in the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesy rhymes don't always send a toddler sailing off to dreamland. Profane, affectionate and refreshingly honest, it captures the familiar and unspoken tribulations of putting your child to bed for the night. Colourfully illustrated and hilariously funny, this is a breath of fresh air for parents new, old and expectant. You Have to Fucking Eat From the author of the international bestseller GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP comes a book about the other great parental frustration: getting your little angel to eat something that even vaguely resembles a normal meal. Profane, loving and deeply cathartic, YOU HAVE TO FUCKING EAT breaks the code of child-rearing silence, giving new, old, grand- and expectant parents a much-needed chance to laugh about a universal problem.
You Have to Fucking Eat and Go the F**k to Sleep 2 Books Bundle Collection